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Compression Therapy at  Revivu! 

A Touchless Massage

The squeeze makes a difference!

Revivu's goal is to establish fast and effective recovery as an integral part of every client. Compression therapy is an effective way to do just that! We have made available for our clients NormaTec Compression Systems, which is a pilot in rapid recovery.


NormaTec is the leader in improving training, enhancing performance, recovering faster, and promoting effective rehabilitation. Our system gives a competitive edge to the world's elite athletes, weekend warriors, coaches, trainers, rehab specialists, and even the average day-to-day person.  What was once only available to professional athletes and hospitals is now available for everyone to recover at Revivu.

The Attachments

Choose your own therapy!

Normatec compression arms at troy city cryolounge


Normatec compression legs at troy city cryolounge


Normatec compression hips at troy city cryolounge



Choose & put on one of the compression attachments:

legs, arms, or hips.

A pre-inflate cycle will begin, molding to your exact body shape.



The session will then begin by compressing, similar to the kneading and stroking done during a massage.

Each segment of the attachments will: Compress.




The air filled attachments massage your limbs, mobilize fluid, and speed recovery .

Benefits of Compression Therapy

Promotes Relaxation

Faster muscle recovery

Helps with Minor Bumps/ Bruise

Improves Sleep

Improves Performance

Effective Rehabilitation

Increase in blood circulation

Pain Relief

Reduce swelling & inflammation

NormaTec FAQs

How long is a compression session?

Guests may choose to do a 30 minute session or 60 minute session.


Can I use multiple attachments at the same time?

No, only one set of legs, set of arms, or hips may be used in one given session. If a 60 minute session is chose, attachments may be switched at the 30 minutes mark.


What do I wear?

Comfortable clothing works best. Gym clothes, sweat pants, shorts, etc. Stay away from wearing baggy and thick clothing.


Does the compression hurt?

No, compression therapy is very comfortable.​ A specialist will customize your session to the correct pressure level just for you. 

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